Monday, January 4, 2010


Welcome to the Design Resource blog! We have some BIG goals for this blog which we hope will become a regular source of information and ideas for homeowners along the Wasatch Front.

If you're feeling overwhelmed in your empty or aging landscape or unsure of how to achieve the look you desire at a price you can afford, you've found the RIGHT place. Our professionals can help you design and plan a self-contracted home improvement project.

The concept for Design Resource has been in the works for many years. We are an independent collective of design professionals and contractors who LIKE working with homeowners and do-it-yourselfers. Our goal is to provide ideas, plans and access to affordable resources that will enable YOU to create the spaces you've always wanted! We are committed to an ongoing relationship and are happy to teach, train and answer questions.

Good design is the basis of a functional home and landscape. Most of us have eyes and ideas that are bigger than our budgets. Our professionals can help you figure out how to appropriate your resources to achieve maximum impact in your home and landscape. Do you need to complete your instalation in phases? We can help you establish a prioritized plan that will minimize waste and maximize results.

Since the smartest part of doing it yourself is knowing when you SHOULDN'T, we can help you find or provide reasonably priced, competent, professional services for tasks you cannot complete on your own.

So tune in for regular advice and ideas. Together, we can create something beautiful.